I currently have the following availability:
Weekly Tuesday Session @ 10am (Online)
@ 1pm (In Person)
@ 2pm (In Person)
I trained as an integrative arts psychotherapist at The Institure for Arts in Therapy and Education in London from 2007-2011. (IATE) I have eleven years of experience working as a psychotherapist having worked in a variety of settings and many different presenting issues from self-esteem to complex trauma.
I am a registered member of The British Association of Pschotherapy and Counselling (BACP) and adhere to their ethical guidelines. I attend regular clinical supervision so I ensure I am working to best practice principles.
I previously worked for six years at Anglia Ruskin University, Cambridge, as a student counsellor within the student services department. I loved working with students but now solely work in private practice within the Chesterton area which allows me to offer long term therapy to clients, which is a preference I have as the work will develop at a more profound and deeper level.
Previously I have held three honoury posts within the NHS including a Community Mental Health Team in Romford, Fulbourn Hospital in Cambridge and Lawrence Way Counselling Service Cambridge.
Within my therapy training I worked as an honoury arts psychotherapist therapist for Kids Company, London, working within primary schools offering short and long term therapy to parents and teachers.
In 2013 -2014 I worked as a Counsellor for Arts and Minds, Cambridge, within their 'Arts on Prescription' project. The project offers people with mild to moderate anxiety and depression art workshops to promote greater wellbeing.